We conduct research, search for documents (birth, marriage, and death certificates), and request them to be used for the recognition of Dual Italian citizenship while assisting with the application process for our clients. These services are divided into the following steps, as shown below.
Researching For Certificates
We start by researching for certificates of Baptism, Birth, Marriage and Death of ancestors in the registry offices and Churches of Brazil and Italy. This search will be based on the information our client provides to us through data previously known or collected from the family.
We need to know from our client the exact places of Birth or Baptism, and Marriage of their direct line relatives, and if they do not know, we need to search for the above records described.
Negative or Positive Naturalization Certificates
Sometimes during a search we discover the first or last names are different from the original spelling found in the Italian vital records we uncovered. Inconsistencies may also be found in the date of birth
An example of this would be records (birth, marriage, death or naturalization records) listing different birthdates for one individual.
Although some records may be amended, with the exception of the Naturalization records which cannot be amended for a person who is deceased, it helps (and is often required) to have the Italian town hall issue a certification known as Certificate Positive/Negative, or Certificate of Esatte Generalita.
The Italian town hall will certify there was only one person born there, listing the original first and last name, date of birth, place of birth, parent names and Birth Act number. The documented individuals with incorrect name spellings and incorrect birth dates are documented as not being born in that town.
Searching for and requesting Negative or Positive Naturalization Certificates on the Ministry of Justice in Brasilia is a key service we provide when necessary as part of your Italian citizenship document research process.
Researching Italian Immigrants
Our final possible step of research for an Italian citizenship application would be researching for Italian Immigrants with R.N.E. and R.E. databases, before the other competent Brazilian authorities.
If you are unable to search for the records and certificates yourself, we will complete this service for a fee, however because the difficulty of the search for these services varies on a case by case basis, we charge by the hours spent researching.
Please note that the search result for records may be positive or negative, meaning there may be a possibility we will not find the documents, as there is no guarantee Civil and Parish Records older than a hundred years are still readable due to possible damage caused by time, nature, war, etc.
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[…] Family Tree is an instrument which helps countless people who are in the process of researching documents for Italian Citizenship, a key service provide, which is why we decided to dedicate a post to teach you how to make your […]