From early history, names were used to identify individuals, but rarely was a family name included. Even Jews, who are believed to have been the first to place emphasis on family lines and genealogy, usually failed to permanently identify a family line by one surname. Italians didn’t generally use surnames until the Italian population started to grow […]
From the beginning of the unified republic in 1866, the Napoleonic system of Civil Vital Records was established throughout the republic, and the town officials were nominated to record all Births, Marriages and Deaths among all population. Then, after Pope Pius IX declared the doctrine of papal infallibility and prohibited all faithful Catholics from participating in the[…]
DNA tests allow our researchers to close certain unknown gaps of your Ancestry by adding additional information regarding both, the Genealogical and Genetic Family Trees of our clients. The Genetic Tree is extremely useful for individuals who believe they possess Italian heritage, but are not 100% certain. A DNA test will confirm the individual’s ancestry, and more[…]
Italy is divided politically into twenty regions, which in turn break down into 109 provinces, or 110 if including the Aosta Valley. The following subdivision consists of the Comuni, which are divided into cities, with a structure similar to that of municipalities in Brazil, which are called “COMUNE” (singular) and “COMUNI” (plural). Comune that in Italian has[…]