Your Ancestors Are Waiting,

Let's Uncover The Unique History of You And Your Family.

Our experienced & passionate licensed professionals will perform Genealogical Research to fill in the unknown facts of your family history.

We specialize in all areas of genealogical research which includes:

  • Italian Citizenship Applications (citizenship by descent by jus sanguines)
  • Native Ancestry and Citizenship
  • Family Tree, Reports and Charts
  • Discovering New and Unknown Relatives
  • Finding BMD (Birth, Marriage, Death) Records
  • Finding Biological Parents and Children
  • Genealogy DNA Testing Assistance

We have a team of trained professional adhering to standards set out by the BCG (Board for Certification of Genealogy) ready to assist you with whatever your genealogical research case requires.

Let’s Get Started

Andre Celotto In Office
Let's Get Started Today

We Offer A Wide Range Of Packages To Suit Your Needs

Genealogy often takes researchers down unexpected but exciting paths. Because of this, listing all the services we provide is often hard as even as professionals we’re often presented with new tasks which require our unique set of skills – tracing documents and building a paper trail connecting them to achieve a specific goal.

Whatever your goal may be, chances are we are the best and most affordable option to achieve it.

  • Assisting in retrieval and preparation of paper record for citizenship by descent applications, specializing in First Nations and Italian Citizenship Applications.
  • Creation of Family Trees as far back as you desire, as well as pedigree charts.
  • Unique ways of sourcing and accessing documents or photos relating to your case, including international travel and contacts.

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Italian Citizenship (Citizenship by Descent)

We specialize in performing the research necessary to prove jus sanguinis, or “right of blood”, to earn Italian citizenship by proving descent.


Family Research (Charts, Trees & Records)

We will preform genealogical research to build a family tree, charts, and provide all records, including images, found during the research process, and citations.

Birth, Marriage, and Death Records

Our years of experience alongside exclusive access to databases holding information on billions of people around the world allow us to discover unknown facts.

Family Historical Research and Facts

Our multi-lingual team preforms in depth research of Brazilian, First Nations, Italian, British, Irish, Scottish, Australian, and Portuguese backgrounds.


Here's What Some Of Our Past Clients Have To Say

Alessandro Durbano
Gostaria de agradecer aos serviços prestados, que foram além das minhas expectativas. Com agilidade e segurança nas informações a mim enviadas. Dedicação e Profissionalismo não faltaram 1 Min se quer. Agradeço a todo empenho e ao ótimo resultado obtido. Att. A. D'Urbano
Patrícia e Paulo
Genealogical Research For Building A Family Tree
I would like to register my thanks and satisfaction for the services provided by Celotto Genealogy Services. I recently requested a genealogy research and assembly of my family tree to give to 6 family members. We were very happy and pleased by the professionalism, sense of urgency and attention given by Celotto Genealogy Services. The response time of your work surprised us, as we thought it would take too long. Thank you very much for the care provided to my family. A big hug.
Let's Get Into Specific Details

Learn More About Some Of Our Services

We’ve broken down the following common services we provide for you to see what we can do, why we do it, how it’s done, and what you can do to prepare to hire us as your genealogical research partner.

Whatever the starting point, we’ll work backwards (or forwards) to fill in the blanks!

The fastest & most precise results are just a click away from one of our DNA partners.

Find your missing parents, grandparents, children, siblings, and more.

italian birth certificate record italy

We scour the world for documents required for your case, then translate to your native language.

celotto genealogy services locations

Worldwide Genealogy Services

We specialize in performing the international genealogical research required to complete your job. From online archives in various languages, to paper records sitting in a small church basement in Brazil, we will find what’s needed to piece your puzzle together.

We manage a vast network of contacts across international boarders, and have access to almost all major (and minor) newspaper archives, hospital records, premium/paid historical document services, and multiple government databases.
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Get A Quote Today

Every case we take on offers its own unique challenges due to the nature of preforming genealogical research, however we strive to provide services with flat fees, and in situations where an hourly rate is part of our quote, our initial estimation prior to beginning work is often exactly correct.

Find your family knowing the best are on the job at an extremely affordable price.

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